Contact Us Page Settings

Customers who cannot find the answers they are looking for on the FAQ pages can fill in the form on the Contact Us page and send their messages to you via Desk360. The following subtitles are used for the content edits of this page:

Edit Text

Title texts to be displayed on the page are arranged in this field.

Subject Type

The subject types of the message to be sent are determined as options in this field and are reflected on the screen that the customer will see as the subject type. You can define the subject headings you want to use in this area by clicking Add Item. With the Type Status button, you can switch this status on the customer screen to active/passive.

Form Style

Adjustments regarding the color and font size of the form are made in this section.



Header Background Color

Coloring of the form header background.

Form Background Color

General background color of the form.

Form Element Text Color

The text color of the information entered by the customers such as name and email.

Form Element Border Color

Border color of information boxes.

Form Element Error Color

Text color of warning texts

Form Element Label Color

The text color of the information text showing which information should be entered in which field, which is in the boxes before it is filled.

Form Element Text Font Size

The font size of the information filled in by the users.

Form Label Text Font Size

Before filling the boxes, the font size of the texts entered in this field.

Add File

When the Add File button is activated, users are allowed to add files to this form.

Custom Form

Text entries to be added to the form are made from this field. By clicking Add Field +, you can add field types like: Input, Selectbox and Text Area.




For short text entries.


Present a list of options to your users and let them choose one.

Text Area

Offer your customers a space to write long descriptions.


The button that will be used to submit the filled form to you are edited in this field.

Bottom Note

Visibility of the annotation that can be placed at the end of the page is determined under this field.

After making all the necessary changes, click Save to save the features you set for your product.

Last updated

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