WhatsApp Message Template Statistics

Desk360's WhatsApp message template statistics allow you to check the status of the templates you send to your customers in detail, as well as track which numbers the messages have been successfully delivered to and which have not. This allows you to develop new and improved templates with different scenarios and target additional customers.

After logging into your Desk360 account, navigate to Settings > WhatsApp Message Template Statistics to get full details on the template status. If you've set up multiple WhatsApp numbers in your Desk360 account, you can narrow down the statistics by selecting the WABA-connected product you need from the menu on the top left. You can also search for information on a specific message template by typing the template name into the search bar at the top right.

You can get a variety of data in the table, including message contents, template names, sending dates, languages, and sender information.

  • Message: Displays the message template's content. This section does not contain information such as a header and footer, as well as reply and action buttons.

  • Template Name: The name given to your message template when you create it should be the name you use when sending it out.

  • Date Sent: The date that this message template was sent out to your users will be displayed here.

  • Language: Displays the language your message template was sent in. When the same template is sent in several languages, it is displayed as separate templates on different lines.

  • Sender: Displays the name of the user who sent the message template to customers.

  • Manage: You can get additional information about the message templates you've chosen by selecting the Eye button, and you can download the statistical details to your computer by selecting the Export button.

When you select the Eye button to get to the details of the message template, another statistics table based on the message template will be displayed.

The data from the previous table containing details about the message template is displayed at the top. The table at the bottom shows the phone numbers that it was sent to, the status of the messages sent to those numbers, and when the template was last updated. The last updated date is refreshed as soon as the status changes. For example, if a message template is sent to a number at 1:00 pm on the same day and is read at 4:00 pm, the latest update date in the database will be 4:00 pm. Here are the definitions of the different statuses:

  • Pending: Message templates that are awaiting to be sent. The pending status indicates the period between when you hit send and when the message reaches its destination.

  • Sent: Message templates that have been successfully sent to the number.

  • Delivered: Message templates that have been successfully delivered to the number.

  • Read: Indicates that the recipient has opened the message and read it. The read receipts must be enabled for this. Otherwise, even if the message has been read, it will continue to be displayed as delivered.

  • Failed: There are numerous potential causes for a message template to fail to be sent. If this is the case, they’ll be displayed here. For example, if the quality score of an approved message template falls below a certain threshold, sending the template may be unsuccessful.

Last updated

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